The software company run
How we work
We assign teams of third year bachelor students of Computer Science, Bioinformatics and
Artifical Intelligence to your project. They will work with the popular Agile development
This makes the development process flexible. We can continually shift towards what the customer needs
and refine the product. Decades of research have shown that an upfront plan for software is never
perfect. With our way of working, yours won't have to be.
You can submit your software project. We will check whether it's viable and improve it with you if necessary.
If it's chosen, a group of 4~7 students will undertake your project. You will be contacted by a representative of the group.
The student group will try their best to realize your project over the course of the semester (approx. 4 months). You will meet (online) every ~2 weeks to steer the project towards what you need and incorporate your feedback.
What do you get?
Take a look at our portfolio of past projects for examples of what is achievable within the timeframe. Success of the project heavily depends on it having a clear scope, as well as good communication from both sides.
LUDev's services are free for non-commercial projects. We love helping organizations with an educational or charitable focus. For commercial projects, we ask for a small fee. LUDev invests this into their IT infrastructure and class material. This way, we can improve our students' learning and increase our projects' quality.
Software produced by our student groups is not always finished or usable out of the box. We only guarantee that we will put in the effort, but not every project succeeds. This is mainly because students participating in this course have other courses too, and thus are not available full-time.
Current Board
Our board consists of students, with a number of professors taking an advisory role. Together they run LUDev and help the student groups with their projects.
In her role as Chief Executive Officer, Lisanne is responsible for the overall direction and management of LUDev.
As Chief Technology Officer, Sjors is our first point of contact for technical questions. He supports student teams in their technical development and ensures that they choose the right tool for the job.
Sven is responsible for external communication with clients and internal communication within LUDev and Leiden University. His main activities are acquisition of clients, internal communication and customer relations.
Aart is our Chief Operating Officer. His responsibilities include customer relations and facilitating communication between key stakeholders of LUDev.